Tag Archives: Ben & Jerry

Snowed In


I’m glad that I didn’t have anywhere to go today, and that Rob booked today off work a few days ago.  It’s nice not having to go out in this blizzard.  It’s crazy out there!  So, I’m going to stay all snuggly inside, working on photos (WAY behind on my flickr uploads), and Etsy, and maybe do a little art journaling.  I’m sure WOW will work its way in there somewhere too.  Yes, I am addicted.  And I am kicking some serious ass.  Level 77 Night Elf Hunter baybee.  Much to Roxanne’s dismay.  She hates being known as “the girl who hangs out with the girl who plays WOW.”  hahaha  I don’t even have to make supper tonight, since I have porkchop and baked potato leftovers.  Yum!

I’m just realizing now that I haven’t posted since before Christmas.  I got through Christmas.  I was glad when it was done and over with.  I only did one Christmas craft.  I hadn’t planned on doing any, but then I saw a post on a blog (which I can’t seem to find now, oh well) of a kitschy little craft from a vintage magazine.   They used vintage Christmas balls, and glued them to real ice cream cones to make little ice creams to hang on your tree.  I got excited about it, because I had some little plastic ice cream cones I had bought forever ago, that i had tucked away, knowing I’d do something with them someday.  I also have quite a few vintage Christmas balls.  I LOVE them!   So, I gathered all that together, along with some dimensional paint to use as “syrup” and glitter, beads, and microbeads to use as “sprinkles”.  And Voila!